Storyteller - noun  sto·ry·tell·er \ˈstȯr-ē-ˌte-lər\

Having the confidence and power to share the parts of your being that have crafted who you have become. Defining your uniqueness and your story in order to empower others to do the same. The courageous act of being who you were created to be and sharing it with the world. 


The Storytelling Series 

The power of storytelling and story listening never ceases to amaze me. There is something I’ve always found quite profound in standing powerfully in the stories of my life and sharing them with the world, and equally as empowering, listening to the stories of those I’ve been lucky enough to come into contact with. There is an incredible energy exchanged when we listen powerfully to the stories that surround us, and I’ve found the most radical changes in my life happen when I make my story matter as much as the stories of those beside me. Most times, if I listen intently enough, I can see myself inside of others, and that to me, makes humanity incredibly beautiful and transformative. 

As you watch the videos below, I urge you to ask yourself, what stories do you hold inside yourself that are yearning to be told? When last did you move towards the things that scare you? What are the stories inside of you that make you unique, passionate, and courageous.

Let your story matter.



In this first episode you’ll meet Nomsa Masuku, one of my dearest friends. Over the past twelve years Nomsa has found the strength within herself to stand up for women’s rights, fight to protect the orphaned and vulnerable children in her community in Swaziland, and educated, supported, and loved those living with HIV/AIDS. This footage has been shot over a twelve year period, and documents Nomsa and the courageousness in which she shares herself with the world. It also documents our friendship, something that has bloomed over the last twelve years.