The micro-moment revolution in action

A five week online deep dive into healing through connection. Taking micro-moments macro

Connection Cure – Reno, Nevada

Connection Cure – Reno, Nevada

Deepening distinctions from the workshop around connection and Positive Psychology, this five week online course will delve into practical exercises and action steps for your personal life. We will be connecting over Zoom for weekly calls where we connect with each other – a micro-model of how the Connection Cure can work in your everyday life.


Those who have been feeling separate, alone, lonely, longing to feel part-of.

Those asking, in this heated environment & divided society, what can I do?

Those ready to connect with like-minded strangers

Those ready to answer the call to action and accept the challenge of connection

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Week 1
True Belonging – Connecting to Ourselves

In this session we will tap into our unique expression and notice our physiological reactions

Listening to our inner thoughts and feelings

Tap into self-worth and learn to embody positivity

Gain a basic understanding of the way our brain has evolved

Week 2
Deepening relationships –

In this session we will practice and share ideas around deepening our existing relationships

Wholehearted connection with friends and family 

Building and creating flourishing relationship

Expressing appreciation, gratitude, and acknowledgement

Week 3 
Expansion – Connecting to our community

How do we identify when we need to reach out for support

Three levels of listening –Practicing the art of receiving stories 

Empathy – What is it and why is it crucial 

Week 4 – Be the Ripple – Harnessing the power of connection

In this session we will learn how to generate a sense of safety for ourselves while courageously stepping into uncertainty.

Courageous Listening

Creating safety and tolerating uncertainty

What does it mean to be a social contagion and how does this challenge us to be agents of change.

Bonus week ­­­­­­­­­­
Connecting to our higher purpose
Creating community out of storytelling and story-receiving

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APRIL 4TH, 2018
APRIL 11TH, 2018
APRIL 18TH, 2018
APRIL 25TH, 2018
MAY 2ND, 2018
